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Synonymous mutations might be involved at the HIV RNA level in HIV-1 drug resistance mechanisms. This tool permits to detect authomatically synonymous mutations.

This tool has been developed in collaboration with University of Rome Tor Vergata, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy, NMI ‘L Spallanzani and University of Catania.

MutationFinder is supported by StudioPigola on all editions of Windows 10.



  • 2008 V. Svicher, C. Alteri C, A. Laganà, G. Pigola, S. Dimonte, C. Mussini, F. Forbici, A. Ferro, P. Narciso, A. Antinori, F. Ceccherini-Silberstein, C. F. Perno, “Synonymous Mutations are Involved in the Highly Ordered Regulation of NRTI Resistance”, XVII International HIV Drug Resistance Workshop – Melia Sitges, Spain, June 10-14 2008. Antiviral Therapy 13:S3A62 (2008).